Urban planning has as its main goal the stimulation of the complex evolution of localities, by accomplishing short, mid- and long-term development strategies (art. 10 of Law no. 350 / 2001 on territorial arrangement and urban planning).
By its various goals, as aimed at, as well as for the due promotion of general interests and benefits, urban planning regulations require a set of restrictions and even constraints on private individuals’ rights, as well as on private interests. Inter alia, urban planning business should be conducted while duly abiding by the principle regarding public contribution to decision making (art. 5 of Law no. 350/2001).
Nowadays, given the fast development of localities, achieving a certain balance in-between private and public interests is often troublesome, on which grounds our Practice is able to intervene and involve in supporting the stakeholder by various consulting, assistance and legal representation activities, in such matters that regard, for instance, the following:
– legal character and effects of the certificates of urbanism, of opportunity notices, as well as of any and all administrative deeds, as concerned;
– procedure regarding the taking out of the agricultural circuit of the lands located outside the built-up areas of the town and the latter’s integration within the built-up areas of the town;
– legal character and opportunity of required endorsements and licenses, as issued by various public institutions or authorities;
– legal character of the due procedure for Zonal Urban Plan issuance and authorization;
– due existence and meeting of transparency conditions (`Public Information Report`).