Attorney’s Practice ”Smaranda Colța”, Iași

Expertise. Efficiency. Dedication

Duly incorporated back in 2008, Attorney’s Practice ”Smaranda Colța” is dedicated to counseling and supporting its clients (private entities, natural persons, NGOs, public entities), with the various situations the latter have to face and deal with.

Along the years, the attorney’s Practice has duly initated and benefited from numerous collaborations, both at professional level – with other fellow attorneys – as well as in law practicing – related fields of interest, such as legal liquidation.

The undersigned have duly graduated the Faculty of Law within “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iasi, in 2006, and later on I have attended the Master Degree Program under the “European Law” specialization at the same Faculty level.

In 2015, I have got my title of “PhD in Law”, and the qualification I have been granted was that of  ”Magna cum laude”, as result of my having graduated the PhD studies within “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iasi, under “Compared Private Law” specialization, under the due guidance and mentoring of Prof. PhD Valeriu M. Ciuca.

In – between May 2014 – September 2015, in my capacity of PhD student researcher within the aforementioned University Faculty of Law, I have been involved in the POSDRU project entitled “Domestic law modernization given law uniformization at European level and social-political effects at administrative system level”, the latter project having been co-funded under the European Social Fund based on the Human Resources Development Sectorial Operational Program 2007 – 2013.

The undersigned have published numerous articles, most of them in magazines that are listed within IDB database (international database), such as:

June 2015 – The Right to a Private Life and the Forms of Property Violation in Common Law”, the article being published in the ”Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law (JOPAFL)” magazine, Issue no. 7 (2015), (ISSN = 2285 – 2204 (print), ISSN–L = 2285 – 3499 (online)), which may be found at the following address:, pages 105- 110;

April 2015 – ”Historical facts of European concern with public order from urbanism servitudes perspective”, which article has been published in the volume of the International Conference on “Right to modernization and tradition. Effects on legal, political, administrative and public order organization”, Bucharest, April 21- 23 2015, Hamangiu Publishing House, 2015, Bucharest, pages 484- 492;

December 2014- “Effects of Swiss and Romanian provisions regarding servitudes upon community development concept”, which article has been published in the 6th number of “Acta Universitatis George Bacovia. Juridica” magazine (, volume 3, Issue 2/2014 = ISSN 2285-0171 ISSN-L=2285-0171, as listed in the following databases: SCIPIO, C.E.E.O.L., ProQuest and EBSCO, pages 561- 580;

November 2014 – “Considerations on the limits of the private property right and its effects in the concept of urban renewal”, which article has been published in AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, No. 4, volume 8, 1843-570X, E-ISSN: 2067-7677, as listed in the following databases: EBSCO, HEIN ONLINE, COPERNICUS, DOAJ, ULRICH, V LEX, SOCOLAR, pages 32- 40;

October 2014 – “Considerations on the right of servitude in Romanian and French Civil Codes”, which article has been published in the Volume of the International Conference on Law Uniformization – Legal Effects and Social, Political and Administrative Implications, Faculty of Law within “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iasi, ISBN 978-606-27-0138-3, pages 74- 81;

May 2014 – “Legal regime of servitudes from compared private law perspective”  which article has been published in the volume of the International Conference on Law,  European Studies and International Relations entitled “European Role in a polarized society”, Hamangiu Publishing House, Bucharest, 2014;

May 2013  – “Ancient fundaments and urban civilization evolution from property right and real servitudes perspective”, which article has been published in the collection entitled “European legal studies and surveys”, issued by the Legal Universe Publishing House in Bucharest, 2013;

May 2012  –  “Urbanism servitudes from the perspective of the European strategy on sustainable urban development”, which article has been published in the collection entitled “European legal studies and surveys”, issued by the Legal Universe Publishing House in Bucharest, 2012.

As of 2020, I am the proud owner of the capacity of trainer within Iasi territorial center of “National Institute for Attorneys Training and Professional Development” (INPPA) – Initial Training Department on the subject of “European Law of Human Rights”.

Also, starting on 2022 the undersigned have duly acquired the capacity of trainer of the same education subject, within INPPA Central Structure.

As of 2017 I have been a member of the “Pro Bono” Network for Human Rights, duly developed by the Equality and Human Rights Action Center (ACTEDO) in Cluj, and as such, I have provided the people in need with my entire theoretical and hands-on knowledge and expertise.

You should first do what is `required`, then you can start doing the `possible`, so that in the end you discover you’ve achieved the `impossible`