We can define Commercial Law as being the overall set of private law normative deeds that apply to the legal relations derived out of various manufacturing, trade relations, service provision and the performance or works, as well as out of the legal relations attended by professionals holding the due capacity of traders.

Until the due abrogation of the Commercial Code, the legal significance of the trade concept was mainly based on the provisions of art. 3 of such Code, that used to regulate the trade deeds.

Currently, the foundation of deeds and actions that are specific for the trade business activity is represented by the due provisions of art. 8 paragraph (2) of Law no. 71/2011 on the enforcement of Law no. 287/2009 regarding the Civil Code. According to these provisions `in any and all normative deeds in force, the phrases such as `trade deeds`, namely `trade actions` shall be substituted by the phrase `manufacturing, trade or service providing activities`”.

In line with art. 8 paragraph 1 of the same Law, the “Concept of `professional` (…) shall include the categories of trader, entrepreneur, economic agent, as well as any other individuals duly authorized to conduct economic or professional activities, as such concepts are stipulated by law, upon due coming into force of the Civil Code”.

In our contemporary society, where companies are basically forced to abide by a discouraging multitude of legal domestic and international regulations, our Practice is able to provide you with legal assistance and consulting services that are specific to the industry which each type of business may classify under,  predominantly the following:

–           Trade conventions

–           Intellectual property rights

–           Environmental – specific regulations

–           Drawing up of deeds, support and assistance with the granting of licenses, authorization and operating permits

Last, but not least, we provide due representation of parties’ interests before the competent courts of law.